We understand that purchases don’t always go as planned. If you regret or accidentally make a purchase, you may be able to obtain a refund. We’ve set out some rules below for what can and cannot be refunded and other related information.
What You Can’t Refund
We will refund any unused content that is not included on the “Non-refundable” list below purchased within the last 14 days, except as otherwise required under applicable law. If you’re unsure whether your item counts as used or unused, we’ve provided some guidance under “Frequently Asked Questions” below. Once we’ve issued a refund, the affected content will be removed from your account.
In-game premium currency.
Season pass (Or any subscription pass of any in game event).
Additional Rules Regarding Refunds for Real Money
You may have purchased our Game Currency or in-game content with real money. If you use real money to purchase (1) Game Currency without spending any of that purchased Game Currency, or (2) unused refundable content, you can request a refund from Player Support within the first 14 days of purchase, except as otherwise legally required.
These refunds for real money are subject to the following additional restrictions:
Refunds for real money will only be issued to the form of payment you used to purchase the Game Currency. For example, if you paid via credit card, the refund will be issued to the same credit card.
We can only issue you a refund if the form of payment you used to purchase the Game Currency or content has the ability to process refunds. For example, we can issue you a refund for payments made via credit/debit card or PayPal, but not for gift cards and prepaid cards. If your payment method doesn’t allow for refunds, don’t worry - we may still be able to refund your purchase for an appropriate amount of Game Currency.
Separate refund rules apply if you made your purchase via a third-party platform (such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store). See below for details.
Third-Party Marketplaces
Some special rules apply if you made your purchase on a third-party marketplace. Unfortunately, the nature of third-party marketplaces means we can’t issue that refund ourselves. But there’s still hope! Those marketplaces themselves may offer cash refunds for purchases made on their platform under certain conditions. For example, the App Store, Google Play Store, and Galaxy Store have all created guides on how to apply for cash refunds for in-app purchases.
For Apple device purchases in the App Store, click here.
For Android device purchases in the Google Play Store, click here.
For Samsung device purchases in the Galaxy Store, click here.
For in-game purchases made on a PlayStation console, click here.
For in-game purchases made on an Xbox console, click here.
Please understand that should Apple, Google, Samsung, Sony, Microsoft or any other third-party marketplace deny your refund, there is nothing more we can do.
Lions Roar Games Returns
In some limited cases, Lions Roar Games may decide on its own to return completed purchases (a “ Lions Roar Games Return”). For example, Lions Roar Games may decide to refund players for content purchased during that player’s participation in the closed beta of a new game, or for purchased content that turns out to be bugged. If we decide to issue a Lions Roar Games Return, refunds will be issued automatically to all affected players.
In order to combat potential fraud, Lions Roar Games policy on chargebacks is as follows, except as otherwise required by applicable law:
Once a chargeback occurs with respect to a Lions Roar Games account, that Lions Roar Games account will be suspended. Players may be able to regain access to their account by contacting Player Support and repaying the owed amount.
If a chargeback occurs with respect to a gifting transaction, both the gifting account and the giftee will be suspended.
Fraud alerts and Requests for Information (i.e., the cardholder or card-issuing bank querying the authenticity of the transaction) may be treated the same way as chargebacks.
If multiple chargebacks happen with respect to the same Lions Roar Games account, Lions Roar Games has the right to perma-ban that account.
Please contact Player Support with any questions regarding chargebacks or the process for receiving an account back via repayment (in case of a suspension issued after a chargeback).
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes an item “used” or “unused?”
Using any purchased items means paying with the purchased item, playing with the purchased item, showing the purchased item, or any other action related with the purchased item, which makes that item “used,”. If you’re uncertain whether your purchased content qualifies for a refund, feel free to contact our Player Support team here.
Why is some content non-refundable?
The “non-refundable” content identified above cannot be refunded for a variety of reasons. Gifts complicate things with a third party, boosts activate immediately and cannot have that time refunded, the random nature of Chests changes the value of the content upon opening, and the list goes on.
I don't like a character’s / card / etc, update, and I want to refund some/all content I own for them. Sorry, but we're not refunding any items based on updates. We try to be open about when we're making significant changes to game items.
My account was hacked and someone made a bunch of purchases/used my refunds!
We are not responsible for any account hack as we will never ask for your access keys, so it’s your sole responsibility to keep your account safe.